Well, the cleanse is over people! THANK GOODNESS is all I have to say. :) And in case you caught it, yes, technically it shouldn't be over until tonight at midnight, but yesterday put me over the edge. Let's just say my digestive stimulators caught up with me, and I felt like I was dying by night's end. I decided to throw in the towel, and gleefully fixed some raw, homemade, cinnamon applesauce this morning in my Vita-mix, and savored delicious guacamole for lunch. Eating solid food is the best.
I will still do cleanses in the future, but this Blessed Herbs one was rough! It definitely cleans house, per say, but it's a little harsher than I like. I feel great doing the lemonade cleanse, but the satisfaction of getting rid of some old junk-in-the-trunk isn't as good. At any rate, giving your body a rest from digesting food is never a bad idea - if even for a day - and I feel really good having done it for a solid 7 days.
And how's my skin you ask? Well, that's another story. Of course now I begin the 6-8 week anti-inflammatory diet. Aka, it will mildly suck, but no where near the cleanse! :) My skin is doing OK. Of course I forgot that cleansing usually draws out and helps your body eliminate impurities, so naturally my skin as been worse than ever! Perfect. That said, I am hopeful that it will slowly start to improve over these next few weeks as I fail to ingest dairy, wheat, processed sugar, etc... I will certainly keep you updated.
On a small note, I may continue eating tomatoes and on the rare occasion, corn - but only in the form of the spicy corn salsa at Chipolte... I just can't enjoy my chicken bowl without it! But chocolate, peanut butter, and rest of it will go.... at least for now. :o)
Tomorrow Curt and I head to the beach and Santa Monica for some fun shopping and dinner out at a raw restaurant. I am way excited. Curt, sort of excited - but a trooper to be sure after what I have put him through in complaints, wicked cravings, and stomach episodes this last week! I will have to buy him some trans-fat laced pizza rolls as a reward, haha. Well, maybe...
Until next time. :)