Backtracking a bit again to our travels, adventures, and family time from our vacation this summer, we return to Bellingham! After friends Brian and Andrea departed for Cali, we had about another 2 1/2 weeks to chill in the 'ham, and soak up some time with our wonderful family! Man, do we ever miss you guys!
One fantastic experience I got to have was to help Kelli with Lucy and Maddie's swimming lessons....The girls were so adorable in their little swimsuits with hot pink ruffles! We'd start off by just sitting in the water with them while they splashed around, and then took them into the deep end (deep for
them that is... Only 3 1/2 feet for anyone that was panicking) for some more kiddie activities.

One of the days at swim, the girls had the opportunity to try out the pint-sized life jackets! So adorable. Maddie LOVED having hers on, and was content to just float around on her back in it. Lucy, did
not so much love it however. So we chilled side-pool while sister sported the red, puffy cocoon.

Once the girls were dried off, they snuggled into their car seats.... Does Fiddler on the Roof come to mind anyone? Anyone??..... (match maker, match maker, make me a match... find me a find..)

In other excitement and adorableness from this summer, Remy dog deserved a spot on the blog. Curt's sister Alyssa babysat little Remy for a friend of hers for a couple days, and so Remy hung out at Curt's parents house a couple afternoons. He was SOOOooooo stinkin' cute, as depicted in the picture below. (How could you resist a face like that?! Seriously). The best part, however, was constantly hearing Lu's voice saying something along the lines of "Remy NO!, No Remy! No!" hehe.

Molly dog was
not keen on Remy's level of adorableness. She pretty much hated that brown-furred ball of energy that chased her around the house and bit her ankles. So of course we had to make it up to Molly for her generous toleration. Love you Molly!

Here's Curt and I hanging out with Lucy (w/me) and Maddie (w/Curt). Madeline doesn't look all the sure of old unci-C.... :)

Hi Maddie and Lucy! Cute as little buttons I tell ya! (I am definitely the bragging aunt here) :)

Curt had a little side adventure while we were in the 'ham; running the Chuckanut Foot Race! 7 miles of beautiful wooded paths, lush green foliage, fresh sea and mountain air, and grueling hills. (It's possible that I might have signed up and then backed out. Oops). Here's Curt all numbered up and ready to smoke some peeps. Get 'em!!!!

The best part of this day (outside of his race time/killer placement of course), was that I was the designated photographer, and I had myself all lined up on this corner to catch Curt as he came by. Well. The race started and in the confusion of 1,000 people flying by me, I had absolutely no clue where he was, when he would run by, and couldn't for the life of me remember what he was wearing to even pick him out. Frustrated and feeling like a failure, I took ONE blind shot into the crowd and left. Later, looking through my pics, this one picture I took captured Curt exactly as he was rounding the corner! Granted, unless you have the ability to see microscopic images magnified ten times their size, you may have trouble picking him out of the picture below (he's the third person from the right in the pic, starting with the person in the red way on the right), but I swear he is there!!! I am sooooo good.

I then jumped in the car and raced ahead to the next point I hoped I could snag a pic. I got there just in time to leap from the car, run across a treacherous highway, and snap this shot. Dang, I am telling you, I was
working it people! :)

Yay! Good job honey!

Again, you made need a magnifying glass to read this, but Curt placed 31st overall running it in about 45 minutes and 45 seconds... and in doing so, broke the personal goal he had set for himself - so he was pumped! We then enjoyed the music and yummy food they were serving down at Larabee Park post-race, and then headed for home. Quite an exciting time.

More Bellingham pics to come..... :)