Well, once again it's been much too long since I last updated the blog! It's that time of year I think, when things get insanely busy between the holidays, and your first graders go nuts, and you just don't have a minute to think! hehe :) But I have been itching to get the pictures from Thanksgiving and our WONDERFUL time with Brian and Lisa up on our blog... so here they are!
Curt's parents came down the Sat. before Thanksgiving, we picked them up at LAX (lovely airport, wouldn't you agree? eeewwwwwww), and headed straight for truly lovely San Diego. When we got there we hooked up with Curt's uncle Todd, aunt Jean, and his cousins Kyle and Jackson and went out for a delicious Mexican dinner in Old Town.
The next day, uncle Todd took us on a tour of the town, and one of our first stops was MCRD (Marine Corps Recruiting Depot). Here's Curt and I after enlisting:

After checking the place out, including a pretty cool museum (complete with props as you can see above), and doing a little shopping at the exchange of course, we had a great lunch at Pizza Nova (yummmmyyyy!!!) and then headed over to Coronado, a beautiful island right off the downtown. We checked out an unbelievably gorgeous, huge, old white hotel right on the beach (I failed to get those pictures off of Lisa's camera! Shoot!)... and we walked around and checked things out - very fun. After our great day out and about, we headed inland to Todd and Jean's house for a great evening in! Jean made the yummiest kabobs and twice baked potatoes, and we finished off our meal with Kyle's apple crisp! It was delicious cousin! :) Here's Todd, Jean, Lisa, and Brian:

We decided to do some wine tasting in Temecula on the way back up to our house, and so we checked out a few wineries, enjoying the fruits of the land in liquid form, along with a little shopping, beautiful surroundings, and relaxation. It was a great time!

This was a winery (Ponte) that cousins Jen and Brian recommended - it was way fun and delicious! I loved how it was wrapped up for Christmas:

Wilson Creek winery was gorgeous and tasty as well - as you can tell! Whoa Curt!

A quick shot of the fam at the tasting bar....

The grounds outside were aMaZing!! Just lovely - and we had perfect weather as you can see:
This was a fun sculpture on the lawn, don't you think?

Brian and Lisa:
Home again, home again, here we are back up in Palmdale - it was so nice having a much bigger place for our guests compared to our tiny apartment! We had so much fun hanging out with Lisa and Brian, doing a puzzle (or trying - we're bringing it home at Christmas by the way! lol), just relaxing, and enjoying the fruits of the season and being Thankful for family and friends.
Here's a shot (though not in great light) of our tree this year:

Here's the table set up for the Thanksgiving feast Curt and Lisa made:

And a last great shot of the four of us before feasting! We love you guys so much, and thanks for coming and being with us on Thanksgiving!!!

Until Christmas...........
Love to all! :)