Today I woke up after a night of pizza, Cesar salad, ice-cream, and two bites of a dark Milky-Way, to the grim reality that my body really, truly, seriously... cannot handle these types of foods. I mean, ice-cream is my favorite -- and I hardly ever indulge, but lately, dairy, wheat, refined sugars, and convenience foods have slowly crept back up into my life and generally taken over. oops. How did this happen?!? Not three years ago I was barely functioning, terribly sick with a stomach disorder and a mass of food intolerances, and changing my eating habits was a big part of what helped get me well.
Sooooo.... I'm now realizing that as I started to feel better and better, my wonderful healthy habits of yester-year faded ever so gradually, until it was looking more and more like my college days of chocolate milk, doughnuts, carrot cake, diet soda, and ice-cream at lunch and dinner. EEEewwwwww. Did I just admit to that?!?
No way! I'm not going there! I'm tired of feeling.... well, tired. And achy -- and moody, and having a perpetually upset stomach (and I'll spare you the details). So as I pondered the gravity of my situation, I began revisiting the natural healing info I began collecting last summer on RAW foods and the awesome outcomes people have had. But would it work for me? Or, more importantly, how the heck can a person do this?? Eat this way?? I'll be an outcast! A crazy! :) Nooooo... no. Still the same me, just a much healthier version, full of living enzymes I can't live without. I figure, I spend enough money every month buying enzymes so I can digest my food, so why not try eating foods that are packed with their own?! A novel idea indeed.
So let's start with the facts.... It's day one, and this is where I'm at: I'm 26 and 3/4 years old. I still break out (darn it all). I ache constantly in the joints of my wrists, hands, ankles, feet, hips and in the muscles of my arms. (I'm definitely risking sounding like an old person here, complaining about all my maladies, so bare with me). My stomach sucks -- upset at some point every day with a variety of symptoms (use your imagination). I also have trouble concentrating, I've found 4 gray hairs, I do NOT deal with stress well, and I do not sleep well at night. I could go on, but you get the point. Now, I'm not expecting RAW food to cure every ill, and make my life a fairy tale of sorts, but I am interested in giving it a try -- to see if I can tell a difference in how I feel and how my body responds....
Will I feel better? Will my stomach settle down? Will my skin clear up? Will I be able to focus more clearly and handle stress better? Might I finally start sleeping through the night without Benadryl?? These questions and more will be the focus of this experiment! Join me if you will......... day two begins tomorrow, and things can only get more interesting!
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