Sunday, January 25, 2009

2009 Inauguration

Hey everyone! While Katie has been a ‘blogger’ for quite some time now, this is my first official entry. Last week I took 10 of my students to Washington D.C. for the Inauguration of President Obama…and it was an awesome experience. Now for those of you who know me quite well you know that I am a conservative republican, and that I am a very political person to say the least. However, let’s put politics aside for this historic event that I was so blessed to be a part of and bring some of my students along for the ride. Being in D.C. for this historic event, really was a once in a lifetime experience. I am a very firm believer that the United States is the greatest nation on God’s green earth, and this event defined as to why that is so. Our nation is a nation of people from every background, ethnicity, religion, race, etc….but the one thing that binds us together, the one thing that defines us, is that despite all of our differences we can live, work, play, educate, and govern together as one. The inauguration of President Obama is a huge culmination of events and progress in our nation…regardless of whether you are a elephant or donkey. Lincoln and MLK Jr. were without a doubt smiling down from heaven upon our nation last Tuesday…along with hundreds of thousands of others who at some time or another, in one way or another, have fought, stood up for, or given their lives to the ideals of democracy, freedom, and equality for which our great nation represents.
While my political ideologies have not swayed, through a lot of research, reading, thought, and witnessing the Inauguration of our 44th President - our first black President, I have come to this conclusion. The President of the United States is not only our nations President, he is my president. Regardless of his decisions, his executive orders, the bills he will sign and veto, his beliefs and his stances, he has my support. Our nation is a great nation because we change, we progress, we stand up for those that don’t have a voice, we allow not just the majority to be heard but also the minority. President Obama represents something our nation needs so desperately at this difficult moment in time in which we are faced with – youth, energy, new ideas, change, and direction. And while I may not be on the same page as my President, I will support him, pray for him, and hope for the best. Being in a crowd of 2 million people on our nation’s front yard I realized something. First of all, I realized that I was the minority witnessing such a historic event – a white conservative male. Second of all, as I looked around and noticed the many elderly African American people who made the trek to our nation’s capital to witness our new President that WE elected take the oath of office, I realized that this was an end to a long, long struggle for many of them, that I can not begin to understand. Regardless of what the future holds, and where Obama and the 111th Congress lead our nation, the Inauguration of President Obama was and will always be a defining moment in our nations history and heritage, and well as a major turning point on the road of progress. I truly believe that this will also give many people hope, encouragement, and motivation to realize that anything is possible if one can endure and persevere, at a time when they may need it the most.
Now, let me put my philosophy and thoughts aside…about the trip! The 10 outstanding students that came along with me on this adventure, were exactly that – outstanding. Truly these kids were great, and honestly could have gone on this trip alone – without me and the tour guides. Their maturity and respect level, as well as their thirst for knowledge and appetite for history really blew me out of the water. I had all of these kids as 10th graders in Advanced Placement World History, and now that they are all seniors, have quite a few of them in my Advanced Placement US Government and Politics class. Each and everyone of these students are off to college next fall – from UCLA, UCSB, Cal Berkley, Harvard, UC Irvine, UC San Diego, Cal State Long Beach – and they all are amazing young adults – what can I say I am very proud of each and everyone of them (and hope that I have taught them something along the way!).
We were able to see much more than I had anticipated with the amount of people that were packed into D.C. – we saw Mt. Vernon, Arlington, USMC Iwo Jima Memorial, Vietnam Wall, Korean War Memorial, the Lincoln, Washington, Jefferson and FDR monuments, the National Archives, Library of Congress, the Capital Building visitors center, the Museum of Natural History, the Museum of American History, the Air and Space Museum, and Holocaust Museum, the WWII memorial, and of course witnessed the Inauguration itself (in which we stood in the National Mall for 8 straight hours in 20 degree weather – standing room only!). Our tour guide, bus driver, accommodations, and flights (Virgin America is my new favorite airline!) were all great, and therefore I cannot say enough about how great World Strides is (the company I booked our trip through – highly recommended!) We lost no one, and by the way on this trip I became quite “text message savvy” as that was the easiest and quickest way of communication – although my students say that I am quite slow at it! We also ran into Martin Luther King Jr. III, though his bodyguards keep us at bay – so no pictures. Katie’s sister Jenny and her husband mark (who works on capital hill for Maria Cantwell) were able to meet up with us for a bit one day as well, which was really great. Katie is now telling me that this is rather a long blog entry, so I will wrap it up with this final thought… This was an awesome experience, one that a textbook will never be able to fully describe and/or explain.

President Obama greeted us all as we got off the plane in D.C.

at the USMC Iwo Jima Monument - the largest cast statue in the world (that is one piece)... Semper Fi

Our view of the Inauguration - we were much closer than I thought we would be...but still glad there was a jumbo tron close so we could actually see!

President Lincoln...

This guy we met was holding up this sign near the Lincoln Memorial...the other side read "from slavery to history baby!" He had to of been the happiest guy I have ever met!

Friday, January 23, 2009

What does being "healthy" mean anyway?

I was talking with my friend Amanda earlier today, who shares my insane passion for a healthful, organic, whole-foods lifestyle... and we talked a lot about what it means to be healthy. What it means to each of us, and what other people might think it is. I know we all probably have a different idea exactly, but generally speaking, I bet most would agree it involves eating well (kind-of general I know), exercising, and watching our stress levels (which I always could work on!).... among other things.
I never want to get on my soap box concerning health stuff, but since this is my blog... I guess I can! hehe :) Plus, I always love to talk to people about health topics -- and I seem to get involved in some kind of health related conversation almost every other day. Like this week, I got to share my health journey with a teacher I encountered, and encourage her to make those healthier choices that she wants to model for her family. I also got to share my raw food experiment with some new faces :) (although, I'm pretty sure they thought I was out of my mind crazy.)
I just wish that everyone knew that when you eat whole-foods (soooo, foods in their natural state, not processed or changed in any way) -- your whole being will be better off and thank you for it! I read this article awhile ago that talked about the vicious cycle of eating refined and/or processed foods.... and it just made sense to me. Basically, if you eat nutrient deficient foods (things that have been modified, packaged, have loads of preservatives and additives put in them, etc.) you body isn't getting the nutrition it needs to function properly, eliminate waste properly, etc., etc. The more of these foods we eat, the more vitamins, minerals, and enzymes we fail to get -- and so our body constantly craves more food in an effort to get the nutrients we need. So we're always hungry, and then we continue to fill up on those empty things... but our bodies are never satisfied. Instead we gain weight, get grumpy, feel bloated, depressed, get migraines, you name it. WHEW! (Quite a mouth full I know).... And our bodies are so amazing! They keep working through A LOT. I mean, please... with my eating habits in college, I should have been dead! haha. Check out what some average meals looked like for me (and please know, I am not picking on anyone who eats any of these items.... because I still eat a little ice-cream now and again, and might even have a little alfredo sauce at Olive Garden once in awhile -- hey, I'm not perfect here! hehe):
Breakfast: chocolate milk/doughnut/cereal, milk/white english muffin with jam/pb/ (I mean, my roommate can testify to me grabbing a donut on the way to class, freaking out, and throwing half of it in the bushes later, haha)
Lunch: deli meat on white bread/fries, tater tots/ more cereal/a salad with ranch dressing/baby carrots/soup/macNcheese/frozen broccoli and cheese/bean & cheese burritos, and when I lived in the dorms, ice-cream -every day.
Snacks: Luna Bars, nutragrain bars/granola bars, yogurt/apple or orange
Dinner: MacNcheese, 4cheese rice (in a box), Bisquick pancakes with artificial maple syrup, eggs/ frozen veggie/hamburger/fries/chicken, stir-fry/etc. etc.
After dinner: ice-cream.... always ice-cream! hehe :) followed by a HUGE helping of guilt.
Needless to say, I believe that me only eating 2 servings of raw veggies or fruit a day, with mostly processed white bread and refined sugar in conjunction with my antibiotic use, contributed to my stomach shutting down 3 1/2 years ago. And guess what, I will always be thankful for it -- as hard as that year was (bless your heart Curt for taking such good care of me).
The experience opened my eyes to the pitfalls of an unhealthy lifestyle, and helped me gain my health back... and keep it! :) Being healthy for me has nothing to do with counting calories or fat grams, or a number on a scale. It has everything to do with what foods are going to nourish my body and keeping my stress levels low (could still use some work in this area especially!) The best piece of advice I could ever give to anyone is to stop thinking about foods in terms of "this food is bad b/c it will make me fat, etc." This way of thinking kept me in a food prison for years. Instead, examine your food in terms of the kind of benefits it will give you. Will it provide the nutrients your body needs to perform well and keep you strong and fit? Be proactive and conscientious of your choices and then enjoy the delicious benefits they are giving you! :)
Here's to your health!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

what in the wrong direction on the way home?!

You can barely tell, but Curt is standing by the sign that proves we ended up in Placerville (on the way to RENO people, headed east ... we needed to be going south to Fresno, whoops) on our way home from Christmas break a couple weeks ago. More of the story to follow below :)

Sooo... It's been awhile since my last post! I am currently getting cozy on Facebook (I like it much better than Myspace, which I seldom frequent anymore...) and realized I hadn't updated our blog for weeks. Christmas was wonderful with meeting our two new nieces for the first time (they are beyond precious), but it was hard leaving too, as the next time we see them they will be about 6 months old! Goodness how time will fly.

In other new news... I finished my last class for my Master's in Teaching program this past Wednesday, and will start student teaching in another week! I am scared and excited all at the same time, but I think it will be fun :) It will just be an adjustment switching from homework to early mornings! hehe -- something I haven't been too familiar with the past couple years.

Another fun tidbit is that Curt left at 4 am this morning for Washington D.C. for the inauguration! He has 10 high school kids in tow with him (and many chaperons from the tour company, so not to worry there. They even have night guards at the elevators and stairs in the hotel! haha) But they are all wonderful kids, so he's not expecting any trouble that way. It will be utter craziness though with a projected 4+ million people attending! We are praying they are able to do everything they had scheduled, no one gets lost, and they all come home safe and sound :) I am way excited for their adventure!

Here are a few pictures from Christmas.... and ooooh! Our trip home from WA a couple weeks ago was quite the car ride. First our cat lily (who lives to torture us) leaped out of the car at a rest stop and we chased her all over the place until we mercifully caught her right before a pack of dogs got out of a truck to use the potty. (Cat, you would've been soooo dead). Second, we somehow took a wrong turn as we busily chatted away, and ended up going 45 miles in the wrong direction until we realized what we had done (by the grace of God). We then tried to take a sneaky short-cut back to the interstate we needed, only to be thwarted by 35 mile an hour mountain roads and pitch darkness. We opted to turn around and back track. We were SOOOOOOOOOOOOooooo tired. Then, as luck would have it, kitty cat couldn't hold it any longer and at 2 am tinkled all over in her cat carrier. This wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't braked suddenly to get off the road to clean it up, only to have her cage pitch forward and spray urine all over the dashboard. Cue tears. We almost let her go in the field we pulled over by, needless to say. Also, in our defense, we had given her chances to use a to-go litter box, which of course she did not take. Bad kitty cat, bad.
But hey, we made it home, in one piece, with funny stories to tell, so we were thankful. :)

Will update again soon.... Love to everyone!

Our beautiful nieces... Curt is holding Lucy, and I have Madeline :)

Lucy with her eyes open and arms up... Madeline sleeping so sweetly! They are the cutest EVER.