Thursday, September 11, 2008

What in the heck have I gotten myself into??

Back by popular demand….It’s an update to my blog! I actually wrote a spectacular bit two nights back, but in typical computer fashion, something went hay-wire and I lost the whole darn thing. I could have cried…oh wait, I did. Well, it’s useless to cry over spilled milk, or almond milk in my case, so I’m over it, and moving on! :) In short, it basically recapped my experience thus far, and exemplified my thoughts on some of the interesting view points that accompany the raw food movement. Let’s just say that I am not on a quest for spiritual enlightenment… and can safely attest to the fact that I was not feeling the “life-force” of the veggies dripping in tamarind almond sauce wrapped in collard greens I ate the other night. (Ugh)
Here are some things I’ve learned in the past 6 days:
1) This is hard. And…
2) This is hard. And…
3) This is hard.
I think I had visions of craving bowls filled with dark leafy greens and biting into sumptuous tropical fruits and vowing never again to return to the evils of cooked food! It has not been so simply my friends. Reality hits when you are starving (all the time) and making dinner takes 2 hours, you waste half or all of some precious and expensive ingredient on a recipe you’ve never tried and it ends up tasting like raw veggies with a side of raw veggies with a sauce of raw veggies complimented by a mystery spice. I have definitely asked myself on occasion this week: What the heck have I gotten myself into here?!? Hitting upon a more serious note, I promised myself that I wouldn’t do anything to compromise my health, so hopefully going to bed so hungry I feel sick doesn’t indicate this…Wait a minute….Yeeeaaah. That can’t be good. I hate to give someone the opportunity to say “I told you so,” but Amanda, “you told me so!”
Being the type A personality I am, I jumped in with two feet and thought, the heck with this! Go big or go home! All or nothing people! (I may have been slightly mistaken). Now, many people have turned raw one day and never looked back, but I don’t know if I can be that person. So, long story short, I may incorporate a few steamed veggies at dinner for the first part of this experiment and perhaps a sliver of baked fish or chicken. Mind you, I am still eating nothing else for the rest of the day that isn’t completely raw! I promise! Nada.
So on that note, feeling like a failure already, I vow to keep going….I will not relent! The experiment may take on a new twist as I ease myself into a new way of eating, but I hope that by the end of my 3 months raw (give or take a few steamed dinners if you will pardon them), :) I have much good news to share about how I am feeling and can produce a list of benefits that eating raw has bestowed upon my science experiment (i.e. body).
On that note, one might be wondering; “How is she feeling?” Besides being perpetually hungry (which is getting better by the day), I have to say that I feel great! I definitely think my body is still in cleansing mode, as I have headaches off and on and still lack in the energy department at times, but after I eat, I feel good. Not heavy, not sick, not remorseful (haha)… mostly just refreshed! It really does feel good to put good-for-you-food into one’s fuel tank all day long. Imagine that! :) Anyway, the beat goes on. Day 7 tomorrow… Oh, and I got my herbal cleanse in the mail today! OH MAN. I did this one last December… and it was not pretty, in more ways than one. I will spare everyone the least for now.
Cheers! :)


Mark&Jenny said...

Sister! I must say, you have dedication. Last time Mark and I tried to do something different with our diet, I almost cried when I couldn't buy the type of salad dressing that I wanted. That was about a year ago. Really though, I do support the raw food idea. Love you!

Unknown said...

Katie, I'm reading your blog instead of working right now...but i'm ok with that! Your blog is informative, yet entertaining...Ok I must read on :)