Saturday, February 28, 2009

February Update

I can't believe that it is already March! As usual, time is flying by as life seems to always be so busy. Katie's student teaching at Cottonwood Elementry School (6th grade) is going well, and despite huge budget shortfalls in almost every school district in the State of California, she recently had a job interview - awesome! Teaching is also keeping me very busy as well (5 Advanced Placement World History classes, and 1 AP US Government and Politics class) and Track season has also just began so my days are quite long! The weather in SoCal is great this time of year...sunshine almost every day, and usually in the high 60's...although it is 73 today! I talked with mom and dad earlier this week, and it snowed 4 inches or so in Bellingham, so I know all of you folks in the PNW are jealous of our weather!

On the political front...well what can I say. Looks like we are headed back in the direction of Big Government. Personally I don't trust the government to do anything right, so more government is never good. The stimulis bill and outrageous new budget of the current administration is just unfathomable to me. I just don't see how increasing social spending, creating more entitlements, and nationalizing anything is going to cause a new generation (or anyone for that matter) to be more creative, develop a better work ethic, and get us out of this hole we are in. I'm going to refrain from getting on my soap box though, and direct you to read a great article about all of this: By all means the President is still my President and I will respect him and continue to pray for him, but it is not looking good folks!

The week of February 15-22 was the annual Missions Conference at our church, and what an awesome week it was - we had an opportunity to meet, talk with, and hear from missionaries all over the world - Japan, India, Ethiopia, Guatemala, Jews for Jesus, an amazing speaker from the Voice of the Martyrs, and a great band - Fronline Generation. The theme of the missions conference was "The Persecuted Church." It was really a great opportunity to see how great we really have it here in the United States, yet how so many of us take our freedoms for granted. There are 40 countries in the world where faith in Christ is illegal, the Bible is outlawed, and the Church is greatly persecuted. Did you know that more people have died in the name of Jesus Christ in the 20th and 21st centuries than all other centuries combined? A pastor from Ethiopia spoke to us about being imprisoned and tortured for his faith, watching loved ones murdered before his eyes for their belief in Christ, and the incredible trials he has been through and witnessed. It made me many of us have had to put our faith to the test like that? And if we had to (and the way this country is headed, believe me, the day will come) how would we respond? Matthew 5:10-12 says..."Blessed are those who have been persecuted for the sake of rightousness, for there is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." Some cool websites to check out in regards to what our missions conference was all about if you are interested:
Voice of the Martyrs:
Jews for Jesus:
Frontline Generation:

We also had the privilige of hosting one of the missionaries, Paul Chandran for a weekend. Paul and his wife Leela work with Christians In Action in Kerala, South India, where they care for poor and orphaned children, care for the elderly, teach English, plant churches, and of course preach the Gospel. Getting to know Paul and spend time with him was a real blessing, and Katie and I both hope to make it to India sometime soon to visit Paul and help out with his ministry and efforts!

Katie, Paul, and I

Red = nations that restrict Christianity and the Bible by law

Dark Grey = countries in which Christians are often victims and targets of violence

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